Nutrition of the Herd
As research leads us into a new phase in understanding nutritional needs of ruminants Highline® continues to develop improvements to the Bale Pro® line of forage processors to match the capabilities of equipment to deliver rations in an industry leading way according to nutritional truths that are being established. This means a Highline® Bale Pro® can improve your return on investment by increasing daily intake through particle size reduction making more nutrients available. The acceptability of the chopped forage is higher to the animals so more energy, protein and other nutrients in forage form is consumed.
This adds value particularly for medium and low quality forages. Bale Pros® offer improvement in dietary presentation of forages in three ways. Particle size is reduced by putting the long hay through the chopper which reduces forage length into the theoretically ideal cut length for maximum intake. Next the Highline® Bale Pro® blends all ingredients into a homogenous mix including hay, straw and grain preventing losses of small particles and sorting by the animals. The third advantage is that various models and options allow for adding grain in addition to simultaneous blending of hay and straw. These features reduce daily feeding cost while meeting nutritional requirements. As weather changes nutritional requirements can change and the fully equipped Bale Pro® can respond quickly to adjust the diet on demand.

John Maltman, M.Sc., P.Ag.
Ruminant Nutritionist